“Accidental Killers”

I read this article by Alice Gregory in the September 18 issue of the New Yorker and was blown away. I could relate to every word and I cried a lot. I still tear up when I read the end of the article.

What really amazes me about my reaction is that the article is not about ritual abuse. It is about people who cause a death by accident and who live with guilt and sorrow for the rest of their lives. Like us, they feel isolated and misunderstood and are told, “It wasn’t your fault.” “It was just an accident.” “That’s the past now, isn’t it time you got over it?” None of which is helpful, as we know.

People who killed somebody by accident seldom meet or read about others like them, so they don’t have a chance to learn that their emotions are normal, are shared by others. There is no opportunity to form a community or to help others. It is a heavy and lonely existence.

I came close to killing a child when I was 22 or 23. I was driving slowly up a side street and a boy riding a bike hit the passenger side of my car. He flew up and landed on my hood. Our eyes locked for what seemed like an eternity. I knew how close he had come to being run over: I am not sure he understood the danger he had been in. That long moment ended when his mother started screaming at him from a second story window. He got off the hood, picked up his bike, and slowly went into the house. Shakily, I went on my way.

Three feet, thirty seconds, and this article could be about me.

Alice Gregory has written for The New Yorker, The New York Times, Harper’s, and The New York Review of Books. She has a website at http://www.alice-gregory.com/ with many of her articles, both in print and on podcasts. The entire text of “Accidental Killers” is at https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/09/18/the-sorrow-and-the-shame-of-the-accidental-killer Browse through her other articles: many are fascinating.

For those of you who are not familiar with the New Yorker, it publishes serious articles, fiction, reviews … and cartoons. My parents subscribed to it, and I have, too, for most of my life. Its website is https://www.newyorker.com/

Below is the conclusion of “Accidental Killers.”


In the Book of Numbers, God instructs Moses to tell the Israelites that they are to designate six cities of refuge “so that anyone who kills someone inadvertently may flee there.” The accidental murderer will be protected from the wrath of the “blood avenger,” a family member of the deceased. The rules are spelled out in detail: when a person enters one of these cities, a tribunal determines whether he or she is eligible for sanctuary; those who killed with weapons, for example, cannot remain there. According to Talmudic commentary, assembled in the twelfth century, the roads leading to the cities of refuge were to be well marked, free of obstacles, and wider than regular roads, so that those who have killed another unwittingly could proceed there without delay.

When Maryann Gray [who hit a child who ran in front of her car], a secular Jew who grew up celebrating Easter and Christmas and reserving Scarsdale tennis courts on the High Holidays, first learned of the concept of cities of refuge, she was overcome with gratitude. “The Torah was talking about me,” she remembers thinking. Gray was struck by the specificity of its prescriptions, which suggested that lives like hers were once contemplated with sophistication by the highest authorities. She became obsessed with the concept, researching it at the library of Hebrew Union College, a seminary with a campus in Los Angeles, talking about it with rabbis, and reading their works.

There is “no statute of limitations on self-imposed pain,” David Wolpe, the senior rabbi of Sinai Temple, in Los Angeles, told me. Gray spoke to Wolpe at the start of her inquiry into the cities of refuge; he explained that their purpose was to allow individuals to share some of their pain with a community. “Maimonides, the great medieval Jewish philosopher, says that in the collective grief the individual’s grief is assuaged,” Wolpe wrote to me in an e-mail. When “people realize that loss is part of the iron law of life, it helps them reconcile themselves to their own situation.” Most of us will not be forced to assimilate a catastrophic accident into the story of our lives, but rituals and refuge seem so obviously necessary that a world without them looks inhumane.

There is no extra-Biblical evidence that cities of refuge ever existed. But Gray does not want to believe that they were merely a figment of an antique but ethically progressive imagination. “If I had been exiled to a city of refuge, I might not have needed exile from myself,” she once wrote. She was moved by the idea that, in such cities, a person like her could participate fully in society without shame. “I love that there was a way of recognizing the true devastation that’s been wrought, the harm that’s been done, without condemning the individual,” she said. “That’s what I’m looking for—to live in the world with acceptance and with opportunity, but also with the acknowledgment that in running over this child something terrible happened and it deserves attention.”


I’m moving the list of holidays to the end of my posts, because I feel it gets too much emphasis if it is at the beginning. If I received complaints, I’ll reconsider.

Upcoming Holidays
2/2 Candlemas/Imbolc
2/13 Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
2/14 Ash Wednesday/Beginning of Lent
2/15 Partial solar eclipse.
2/14 Valentine’s Day
2/25 Walpurgis Day

3/1 Full Moon
3/20 Spring Equinox
3/24 Feast of the Beast/Bride of Satan
3/25 Palm Sunday
3/30 Good Friday/Death of Jesus Christ
3/31 Full Moon (Blue Moon)
4/1 Easter Sunday
4/1 April Fool’s Day
4/8 Day of the Masters
4/10 Full Moon
4/16 – 4/23 Grand Climax/Da Meur/ (Preparation for sacrifice in some Satanic sects}
4/30 Walpurgisnacht/May Eve

Dates important to Neo-Nazi groups
1/30 Hitler named Chancellor of Germany
4/20 Hitler’s birthday (Note: Hitler was born on Easter, so Nazis celebrate his actual birthday, 4/20, and Easter of the current year. His alternate birthday is 4/1 this year.)
4/30 Anniversary of Hitler’s death
(Some groups also mark Candlemas, Beltane, Lamas, Halloween, solstices, equinoxes, and full moons.)



13 thoughts on ““Accidental Killers”

  1. I was interviewed by Alice for this piece. Thank you for your compassion for CADIs like myself, it is a private and isolating pain. I believe when we have open conversation the stigma will become less debilitating.


    1. Yes, my pain is not the same, but same enough to feel a kinship. I am really glad you found this post and glad you commented.

      I would like to follow your blog, but can’t figure out where to sign up. Can you tel me?


  2. There is also a city of refuge of the big island of Hawaii. Outside Kona, and now a tourist destination, it is named Honaunau, and was the destination of anyone who had broken a law in the days when EVERY broken law was a capital offense. I learned about Honaunau when my parents were nearby on a mission for the Mormon church, but didn’t visit it until years later when I had discovered and processed hidden memories of programming and ritual abuse. By then, lying on the giant stone slab became a magical counter-programming declaration and acceptance of freedom.


  3. The article doesn’t mention it, but the law actually mirrored the experience of Moses who had killed the Egyptian and fled Egypt in exile. The cities of refuge always remind me that God is full of mercy. This is one of my favorite lessons in the Bible.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There is also a city of refuge of the big island of Hawaii. Outside Kona, and now a tourist destination, it is named Honaunau, and was the destination of anyone who had broken a law in the days when EVERY broken law was a capital offense. I learned about Honaunau when my parents were nearby on a mission for the Mormon church, but didn’t visit it until years later when I had discovered and processed hidden memories of programming and ritual abuse. By then, lying on the giant stone slab became a magical counter-programming declaration and acceptance of freedom.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. How I would love to go there! I feel I would have to lie there for months in order to forgive myself for everything. But it makes my heart soar just to know of this city.

        I want to tell the author of your comment – I am sure she would want to know.


  4. Wow, that struck home. How lucky they are/were able to get refuge to assuage their grief and pain. Doing it collectively.

    She writes, ” If I had been exiled to a city of refuge, I might not have needed exile from myself.”
    That statement resonates to my core. I’m living in my own imposed exile. Yes, the disbelief and denial of outsiders has helped me here, but the sense of isolation/ exile is overwhelming. I’ve been living in my bedroom for 2 months. I have no city of refuge.

    We here in these blogs have talked about living nearby or together in our own community where we are accepted and not shamed. Maybe one day we will have an ethically progressive reality and live with acceptance instead of shame.


    1. Yes, exile from myself was excruciatingly lonely.

      For now, we don’t have a city. We don’t even have a B&B. We don’t even have a weekly meeting that I know of.

      But 25 years ago there was one – one – autobiography of a ritual abuse survivor and one – one – biography. Now there are hundreds.

      In August of 2015 I counted 51 blogs by survivors. There are lots more – I should up date it in my spare time.

      And then there is this blog.

      Start small, slowly become big!


      1. Hundreds of blogs”…..yet we still aren’t believed and shunned. And, we don’t have therapists or doctors trained to help us!

        I was going to a very large foundation, thousands of clients, and I was the only SRA survivor. I had to teach my therapist.

        Another thing that’s blocking us is the crackdown on opioid or other medications that we need, or I’ll say I need. Example, my anti-anxiety med. I went from Dr Reas script of up to 8 mgs a day down to 1mg! They would not give me the dose I needed.
        I finally found a PA who would prescribe 6mgs, and they watch me like a hawk.

        Plus, true story, I had an accident and the cop wanted to test me. I take those meds at nite to sleep. Yet at 5pm the next day, they showed up in my blood and he was goi g to give me a DUI ! That med has been circulating in my system for years!!

        Having been on them has not troubled my driving, I know when I can drive. But the new laws are tough.

        Please, let’s build a community of those little houses that are becoming the rage. We can each have our own home, but still sit outside together every morning to have our coffee! Then just a few steps away from having our solitude.

        What do You say? You in?!



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