
Beltane used to be the worst day of the year for me, and now it is just another Satanic holiday. Sometimes, it even feels like an ordinary, non-Satanic holiday. It wasn’t too long ago that I never dreamed this change could ever be possible. I hope that all of you who suffered SRA will come to this point, and soon!

I thought it might be useful to write about Beltane’s background in case it explains some strange thoughts or memories. 

Beltane (May Day) is an ancient Celtic pagan holiday. It is six months from Samhain (Halloween) and halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. The solstices and equinoxes are variable, and May Day and Halloween used to be, too. Now, they are always on May 1 and October 31.

The Celts started each day at sundown, believing that all life begins in darkness. Therefore, Beltane starts at sundown on April 29 and ends at sundown on April 30. 

In many Satanic groups, the evening of April 29 is called Walpurgisnacht. The Saxons named “May Eve” after Walpurga, the goddess of beauty, warmth, and fertility. The Catholic Church transformed this goddess into St. Walpurga, an English missionary to Germany in the 8th century. (St. Walpurga is the patron saint of those who suffer from diseases and evil spirits.) “Nacht” is the German word for night, and thus we have Walpurgisnacht. In parts of Germany, it is thought of as a mini-Halloween because St. Walpurga chases away evil spirits.

In the olden days, Beltane was a fertility holiday, marking the start of summer. Cattle were brought to their summer pastures, and bonfires were lit to honor the sun god, Bel. It was a time of rejoicing and unrestrained sexuality, whether between god and goddess or between mere humans. People stayed up all night and danced in the fields to ensure the crops’ fertility or went “a-maying” in the woods to ensure their own. At sunrise, home fires were lit from the sacred bonfires, and then there were games and feasting.

I was told by one survivor that children conceived on Beltane were called “spawn of Satan” because no one knew who had fathered them. It makes me sad that even one child should grow up believing that.

I’ll end on a happier note – Beltane will be over and done with on Tuesday, April 2. That’s not too many hours from now!

Miscellaneous Notes

Svali has collected almost all her writings in one place. It contains many chapters from her most recent book, “Never Give Up: The Autobiography of a Survivor of Ritual Abuse and Mind Control,” as well as articles and most of her early writings. It is very heavy reading, and I suggest reading it slowly.  

“50 Voices of Ritual Abuse”
Short interviews with ritual abuse survivors, most from Europe. Some of you may recognize Svali, Anneke Lucas, and others who have websites or YouTube channels.

Plural Positivity Online World Conference 
For all those who identify as many, as well as their allies.
Starts at 11:30 am PTD, May 17, 2024
Ends at 10:30 pm PTD, May 18, 2024
Archives of past events:


5 thoughts on “Beltane

  1. Thanks for this who ever sent it.  Probably someone connected to Jon but that’s an assumption. One never knows where and what pops up in ones mail box. I am from a family very much connected to all this horror. My father who used to work in CAB for the Alness often had northern constabulary refuse leads to him for lost children in the area with parents usually single coming to him with a lost child. The police head of course was a freemason and I remember once my Dad almost in tears when my Mum was at him to do something about it and he said he’d been refused access. Those were the days long ago when you could find Dennis Wheatley’s books in most houses of the factor levels of service to aristocracy.  We’ve been lead down this path a long time. It’s fundamentally related to the destruction and rebuilding of the afterwards broken economies with moral less zombies. I am in Thailand now escaping all the people with heads up their arses in their own little worlds. Unfortunately now that Europe and North America has been destroyed, Luciferism satanism whatever you like to call it moral relativism is being introduced to the East, For the very powerful on top the go ahead has now been given to destroy the East.  The satanic cancer in the WEST will come out soon and I will help in any  way I can so if you need a hand, let me know.  Presently I surveille a very dubious site on Koh Samui where lots of pyschiatrically demented wealth parties. I’m pretty sure it is a site where beltane will be practised and unknown children murdered. I believe there are better places beyond life but I may be wrong. I do not want to disappear as people do here. Life can be distinguished by paying a hitman 2000 quid and that’s the end of you so I am very cautious as hit jobs are common all love to you whoever you are Jean Eddie Durh


    1. If we all do a little bit, how much we could accomplish! You are wise to be careful – no matter where we live, our safety is paramount. Thank you for writing.


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