Stable Groups Formed from Fragments

I don’t understand how my mind is organized. I assume it must be, somehow, or else I wouldn’t be able to think, move my hands or feet, or do anything at all. In an effort to help, people tell me to “look inside” and describe what I see.

Usually, I see images and snippets of memories. When I focus on something that isn’t a memory, I usually see a thick layer of darkness spreading as far as I can see, like a giant black rug. At times, I see little specks of something, tiny as grains of sand or dust motes, that feel like me, or as close to me as I can imagine. Specks like sand, specks like dust, specks like tiny drops of water in a cloud.

I can’t say for sure, but for a very long time, it has felt like those specks come together to form a working group that somehow manages to get something done. When that task is completed, the group of specks disperses, losing any shape, cohesion, or connectedness that it had a moment earlier. The specks are inert. They lie there, unorganized, until another group starts forming. Some may be reused, or a new group may be made from completely different specks.

I have no idea how the specks are chosen, how they are held together, or what releases them when the task is done. Is there an intelligence somewhere that directs this process? If so, how did that intelligence learn to manipulate those specks and make them do parlor tricks? “Oh look, the little dust bunny is washing the dishes! How cute!”

I just don’t get it.

For many years, I read about multiplicity. It made total sense as a survival mechanism to get through extreme abuse, and as a defense against the endless pain and suffering that the abuse engendered. It made sense, and so I tried to look for alters. But I never found any and quickly lost interest in those I had invented so that I could fit into the DMS category now called DID. I resigned myself to being weird, a multiple without alters.

Here is how I described myself thirty-plus years ago. “Multiples are like fruit jello. The pieces of fruit are the alters, and the jello is the mind. With me, somebody put the fruit through a blender and then made jello.”

Today, I’m not much further along in this self-understanding project. It’s frustrating but still very interesting.

I heard of another polyfragmented multiple composed of little specks and no discrete parts or alters or whatever you want to call them. Like me, some of her specks formed a group, did their thing, and dispersed over and over. One day, however, she noticed that a group had not collapsed into a pile of tiny specks. It was, somehow, stuck together. She had no idea what the glue was, what had made this possible, whose idea it was. She had no information apart from the fact that the group was indeed stuck together.

This was a useful change. It was less tiring, as the step of assembling a new group each time had been eliminated. More specks could be added to the groups, either temporarily or permanently, to tailor the group for differing circumstances. (It wouldn’t do, for example, to have a group formed to drive a car in the summer suddenly presented with a snowstorm. But if winter-driving specks were added, all would be fine.)

In thinking about the possibility that groups did not have to disperse, I realized these groups would have a history. Things would happen when they were “out,” and they might gain information from the outside world. A conversation could start between the people in the car. Or if the person in the car was alone, they could be talking out loud to themselves. Or perhaps the car radio or a podcast was playing.

At this point, I knew that people found that I showed consistency over time. If my personality was recognizable from year to year, I had an identity, even though I did not feel like I had one. Could I, too, have some groups that did not disperse? If so, could those groups function in the same way that alters function in people with multiplicity who have alters with a history, an identity, a name, talents and skills and desires, a taste in foods and clothes? And would those groups get to know me and let me know them? Would they like me?

There’s so much waiting to be discovered!

6 thoughts on “Stable Groups Formed from Fragments

  1. very much enjoyed reading about how you thought. I am bipolar one in classification and I think in strings. Like I’m 58 and when I was young my mum and grandmum and nanny took us all to Portugal and I was the youngest and bullied in my impression though the older ones think I’m making it up. Anyway to the strings, I look back in an old photo album which people used to have with photos and so I see myself as a 5 year old in a sombrero and then all the times that I remember about this time come back like the high pitched scooters zooming by night or day and meeting somebody famous at the airport and etc all strings and depending on how I’m feeling I pull up a particular string in my memory and that might be choice of perhaps ten or twenty strings that I could have chosen from and of course they all have strings too. But what I respect in people is that they can be adaptable and not always go down the same strings as I do when I’m down and this of course depends on your mood. And when you are up there are happy strings and when you are down there are hopeless strings.

    all love to you Jean


    1. This is such an interesting topic! Can you tell where a string will lead you before you pull it?Can you control the strings – asking them to go back to age 11 or to go back to some place they have not been for a long time, or to go to all the places that a certain person is in?

      The mind is so creative!


  2. this is so interesting, Jean. You must have done a lot of internal work to figure this out. My system is a spinning top. The parts fly off to do jobs. Sometimes some fly off in error and causes all kinds of confusion. The mind is amazing. This was an interesting read.interesting


    1. Fascinating! Do the parts comes back? Where are they before they are at the surface of the top? Can you see them? Are there other things in your internal landscape? Please forgive me if I am asking too much and being intrusive!


  3. You are not weird, multiplicity looks different for everyone, and your reality is just as valid as the next multiple’s. I think how you’ve explained it here is really good, and gave me a real insight into your mind, and inner world. X


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